Camino Apparel's Winter Riding Tips


Winter has set in and that means cold and dark mornings on the bike making you question your sanity. Although winter riding can be mentally tough it is one of the best times of year for riding. The cool brisk mornings welcome some of the best sunrises and keep most people in bed meaning quitter roads. Not only that it is also the best time to build a strong base for the upcoming season. To help you through winter we are sharing our top riding tips and riding kit essentials to get you through the cooler mornings.


Have your kit ready to go the night before. You know where you are riding and what you will need by having it ready the night before the temptation to roll over and hit snooze lessens. We know some riders that sleep in their kit if the motivation to get out the door is that low you could give it a try.


The temptation to layer up so you feel like you’re heading out in to the snow slopes can be tempting at 4:30 in the morning but you have to think about how you will feel when the blood is pumping. A rule of thumb we use is think how you might feel 15-20 minutes into your ride. Chances are you won’t need as much as you think and there is nothing worse then carting too much extra gear in your back pockets.


Think about where you are heading. If you live coastal and are heading out to the hinterland you may need to consider that the temperature can drop dramatically. Think about what you might need out there and be prepared for the change in temperature by wearing a few extra layers. A simple solution to this is our knee and arm warmers. Designed to keep you warm enough on those cold winter days as the sun pops and it starts to heat up both are designed to be easy to slip of and fit nicely in your back pocket to keep your mid ride snack snug.


Consider the elements in your ride. Is it a long flat ride, hilly ride or a long ride with efforts? Make sure you wear appropriate clothing for the type of ride you are doing. For example, our covert wind jacket (check out the guys and the girls colours) should be an essential part of your winter kit, designed to keep the wind off it is also perfect for rides with a big hill climbing efforts. Undo the vest for the climb as you heat up. But, on the way down you’ll be glad to have the protection from the wind.


Winter is no excuse to hit the snooze button and stay in bed – it can be one of the best times to ride and with the right gear it can be enjoyable. However, if it’s all just too much jump over here and check out our blog on indoor training because in the end nothing comes for free.



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